One day, she will pretend she don't know the answers just to hear her children's imagination create story after story, making up their own...
One day, she will answer the door and completely forget she's been playing beauty shop with her child...
One day, she will understand why Mom said "No, stop, get down, wipe, wash your hands, stop running, you can't carve your brother's name in dad's car either!"...
One day, she'll call her kids by each other's names, and maybe even a pet's name before her brain pulls up the correct one, and her children will make fun of her for that...
One day, she will begin sentences and never finish them because mid-way, she lost her train of thought and never recovered it...
One day, she will begin sentences and never finish them because mid-way, she lost her train of thought and never recovered it...
She's a little Mama in the making...bless her heart, but she wouldn't trade her future job for anything in the world.
Brook is looking more and more like you Val!!!!!!!!!!!!!!