Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Fifty

 I started with a fifty, a wonderful Christmas gift that I refused to spend on anyone but myself this year. As tempting as it was to stop by the gas station and fill up my car, buy trash bags and all the other grocery items we are running out of...I said "NO!!!" This year, it would be spent on ME! Now how did I stretch this fifty?
First thing I did was go get my hair trimmed. I'm not big on going to the salon, not really a hair person, so I've not been in about 5 months...so I went. That was almost half (including tip) but I still had $29 to go...
 So I took $11 and bought myself some healthy milk (and I vow to drink a small glass every late afternoon), milk makes me sleepy, sleepy feels good at the very end of the day, and I got my favorite salad items (yum)...$18 to go...

So I took $8 and bought a gift pack (on sale) of makeup. New makeup-which I rarely get to buy-makes me feel good. I deserve new makeup, so I bought it. Now what to do with my last $10 ??...
I took my last remaining dollars and invested it...in myself. For only $10 at my local gym, I can start a complete healthy makeover, and I'm doing it. I signed up for their 2011 Fitness Challenge-Step Yourself Healthy...
and I'm proud that I've spent my fifty on ME this year.

1 comment:

  1. did you change your background? i like it. good 4 you :) on spending the $$ on YOU. YOU deserve it!!! Because you are AWESOME! :)
