Again, I tried something new at
The Gym. I've had this instructor many times before, in fact she's the main character in my fitness history
which goes back hundreds of years since I had a decade gap in my exercises. This class was called TBW-total body workout. Given that I know this lady, she used to keep me skinny, I knew that I could do it. The main question was how much ibuprofen do I have left!
I walked into the room at 5:15 am, all the
insane people standing behind their steps, ready to sweat it out before work. I knew I'd fit right in, on the verge of failing sanity myself...which I like to call
determination. If 5 am is the only time I can get to the gym, then I'm going, they are open! I have a long list of excuses that no one wants to hear anymore, it's easier to just go, work off my stress, wash it all off in the shower, pour it down the drain and have a fantastic's become a choice really...feel bad or feel good...stressed or relaxed...sleepless nights or sweet dreams...

There were men attending this class (not the first time I've seen men in her class) so common sense should have told me to hop on a treadmill instead. Nope, she'd already spotted me and called me by name...I had to stay! I look around and they have steps, weights, mats, exercise balls, and BARBELLS...
I've never used those, I thought they were for decoration! So I got a very light set of weights, and I barely added any weight to the barbell because like I said, I know this instructor
and I am no fool. Total body workout...hmmm, can't be that bad. If I can
suffer make it through
Lady F's spin class the day before, where she YELLED at us with her "100 % GO GO GO GO!!!" and live through the near-death experience, I could do this. Besides, the room was packed so I felt sure that someone in there knew some basic medic skills that could save me if I collapsed.
I survived. I have the amazing ability to detach from myself and watch me workout without feeling the immediate pain. I stepped back and watched the poor old mama me shake as she reached the final set of the hundred and fifty chest presses, the eighty-five reps of shoulder raises, and the sixty other upper body exercises we did. I watched carefully to make sure no one else saw the 35 year old body convulse as her weak arms lifted the small tiny weights. Everyone else in the room was using double the dumbbells she was, but she was the smart one, she knew her limits...
Here it is the morning after, and I can't lift my that normal? I plan to spend my day bending my arms at the elbows rather than shoulders so if you see me and I act strange, or don't wave, it's because I have two non functioning limbs right now and not because I forgot my deodorant. My 'hangy down thangs' as my daughter calls them, aka triceps are in a great deal of pain as well...I'm still trying to figure out what those are for anyway...And don't assume I'm doing a self-breast exam in public, I'm simply massaging muscle (and I use the term lightly) that is forming underneath all the padding...because I'm in pain...and I didn't win the free massage this week for doing the Fitness Challenge so I'm on my own here!
As I take my day off from The Gym, I know I'll return tomorrow night as I meet up with some friends there. I'll need a good workout after I sub at the high school tomorrow!
I'm getting fit to become a better dancer. Whether it be Zumba class or crunkin' in my crib, I plan on gettin' my groove back. I used to be able to dance, and I plan on doing that again!